Erin on the Web!


Hi every one in Cyber land! It's me! Erin/ Spazzy/ George/ Miny/ Sindalien/ what ever else you want to call me!

I finally put together a lil web page, with lots of fun goodies for when your board! GO ME!


This that your looking at above, is a sex god! ^_^

Who's ERIN?

WELL! Thanks for asking! I am Erin. I'm in the 8th grade and i go to school in a trialor park! (**GO BEAR CATS! ..... what school spirit?**) I like to sing, dance, write, act, and surf the world wide web! (**HANG TEN, DUDES!**) OH! And i'm from Hicksville USA, where the cows out number the people, and we churn out own butter.  

Email address:

Want Songs? YOU GOT UM!

Click do download the song your listening to!

If you have a song you want me to add, so that you can download it, e-maio me at *MUAH* ~Erin


Poems! | Hot Guys! | Links!!!

Let me know what you think of the site! *hugz* ~Erin